Chandra Prakash Saini ? 

Chandra Prakash Saini also known as C.P. Saini was born in Jaipur city , Rajasthan on July 10, 1988 . His life has been filled with struggles . Since childhood Chandra Prakash Saini has had a deep love for his Saini community and he was eager to learn more about it . Due to this desire , he started connecting with people from his community and began promoting the Saini caste on social media . 

Chandra Prakash Saini

Chandra Prakash Saini 

In 2016 , Chandra Prakash Saini started raising his voice against the atrocities faced by the Saini community on social media . Initially , Saini people did not support him , thinking that he would speak up for a few days and then go quiet like others . However , God chose this individual for the upliftment of the Saini community . Despite receiving no support from anyone in his community , he continued to raise his voice for the rights of his community without any selfish motives and protested against the government for those who were facing oppression . As time passed people started gaining trust in him and more and more individuals started joining him . 

It is worth mentioning that only people belonging to the Mali caste in Rajasthan consider themselves as Saini . The Mali and Saini castes are two different castes within the Sanatan ( Hindu ) religion . In 1937, people belonging to the Mali caste in Rajasthan adopted the surname Saini and since then , Saini and Mali castes have been considered the same in Rajasthan . However , even today some people from the Mali caste in Rajasthan do not consider themselves as Saini . But the majority of people from the Mali caste in Rajasthan identify themselves as Saini . When Chandra Prakash Saini started promoting the Saini caste in Rajasthan , he had to face several challenges but he never stopped . 

Chandra Prakash Saini formed his organization in Rajasthan , which he named the Fule Brigade . Later , he changed the name to the Rashtriy Fule Brigade to make it a national - level organization . Now , Chandra Prakash Saini is making efforts to bring about positive change in his community through his political journey . 

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